Housing Cancellation & Contracts
Depending on the semester in which a student completes a housing contract, certain cancellation penalties may apply. Additionally, both the application and activity fee that is paid at the time an application is complete is non-refundable.
Any refund, prorated refund, and / or fee associated with any housing contract cancellations will go by with the date and time a cancellation form is submitted, unless the student cancels after they have checked into their assignment. If this is the case any refund, prorated refund, and / or fee associated with any housing contract cancellations will go by the date and time the person has officially checked out of their assignment.
Additionally, any student who cancels their housing contract after they have moved into their assignment will be charged a prorated amount until they officially checkout of their assignment.
Any student who wishes to cancel their housing must submit a Housing Contract Cancellation Request Form. This form can be found by logging into their . All Housing Cancellation requests, and any fee charges, may take up to two weeks to be fully processed.
For questions, please contact the Department of Residence Life at 706-507-8710 or via email at housing@columbusstate.edu.
The following information is stated in the most recent housing contract:
Cancellation By Student
A. Full Cancellation.
To cancel this Agreement, Resident must submit a completed Housing Cancellation
Form available at the University Housing website. Except as described in Subparagraph B below (No Cost Termination), a Resident's
cancellation of this Housing Agreement will result in accruing certain cancellation
charges as described in Schedule B of this Agreement (Chart Above).
B. No Cost Termination.
Resident may cancel his/her Housing Agreement without cancellation charges
upon submission of supporting documentation evidencing one of the following occurrences
during the Term:
- Graduation;
- Call to active military duty;
- Marriage;
- Birth of a Resident's child;
- Enrollment in a University-sponsored study abroad program or affiliated academic internship;
- Approved medical withdrawal from the University;
- Death of Resident
Any Resident canceling for one of the reasons covered by this subparagraph will remain responsible for payment of the Housing Fee on a pro-rata basis through the date of cancellation.
We encourage all students and their parent(s) / legal guardian(s) to fully review the housing contract before completing and submitting a housing application.
2024 – 2025 Housing Contract (PDF)
Students may appeal any portion of the housing contract by submitting a . All Housing Appeals will be heard by the Housing Appeals Committee consisting of (a) Faculty in Residence Member, (b) Staff member appointed by Vice-President for Student Affairs, (c) Student Affairs Staff Member appointed by Vice-President for Student Affairs, (d) Staff member from Enrollment Services, (e) Staff member from the Athletics Department. The appeals committee may consult with other units of the University including but not limited to the Center for Accommodation and Access, Health Services, International Programs. The appeal will be a review of the record only. No meeting will be held with the appellant.
All decisions made by the Appeals Committee are final.