Clery Act
General Policy Statement
«Ƶ (“CSU”) is committed to the goal of creating and maintaining a safe environment for its students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, visitors, and guests. Consistent with that commitment is the university’s compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 ( “Clery Act”), which requires CSU to disclose crime report statistics as well as other crime and safety information to the CSU campus community in an accurate, complete and timely manner.
- Clery Policy (PDF)
- Missing Persons Policy (PDF)
- Title IX and Filing a Complaint
- University Police Department
Clery Compliance Committee
Name | Position | Phone | |
Richard Barrow | (Clery Comittee Coordinator) Risk and Compliance Coordinator | (706)507-8233 | |
Alicia Bryan | Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Academic Innovation | (706)507-8965 | |
Wendy Brundage | Investigations | (706)507-8443 | |
Dana Larkin | Assistant Dean of Students/Title IX Investigator | (706)507-8333 | |
Nicol Lewis | CISO | (706)569-4085 | |
Julio Llanos | Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine, Diversity and Inclusion | (706) 507-8297 | |
Susan Lovell | Director of Military Enrollment | (706)507-8806 | |
Scott Lundgren | Director of Residence Life | (706)507-8716 | |
Thomas Rice | Director of Plant Operations | (706)507-8217 | |
Sarah Secoy | Director of the Center for Accommodation and Access/Title IX Coordinator | (706)507-8757 | |
Josh Smith | Interim Chief of Police | (706) 507-8280 | |
Eric Spears | Executive Director of the Center for Global Engagement | (706)507-8587 | |
Michael Tullier | Executive Director of Marketing and External Relations | (706)507-8532 | |
Tamara Wade | Director of Human Resources | (706)507-8919 | |
Theresa Willey | Project Coordinator Violence Against Women Program | (706)565-1198 | |
Procedures for collecting, recording, and documenting “Clery Offenses”
«Ƶ is committed to the safety and well-being of all members of the University community. Colleges and universities that receive Title IV funding must comply with the requirements set forth in the Clery Act, 34 CFR Part 668 & 20 USC § 1092(f), and Georgia State laws in furtherance of providing a safe and secure learning and work environment for students and employees, that being said, the University encourages every member of the community to report any criminal activity to the University Police Department. The University Police Department is responsible for gathering, to include reports from multiple local law enforcement agencies, and sorting all reportable statistics for the Annual Fire Safety and Security Report (AFSSR) from all on-campus and adjacent to, or within campus locations for the daily crime log, annual crime statistics and timely warnings.
At the end of each Clery quarter the Clery Coordinator will send an email, as a reminder, to all on the Clery Committee letting them know that it is time for them to submit Clery statistics from their respective department to the Clery Coordinator. The request is sent out approximately seven days before the Clery statistics are due reminding all recipients to submit the statistics to the University Police Department and the Clery Compliance Coordinator. In addition to the emails that will be sent, during the quarterly meetings the committee will also be informed. The Clery spreadsheet is accessible for each on the committee to add their statistics as well.
The email recipients includes but is not limited to the:
- Assistant Dean of Students
- Assistant Director of Athletics
- Chief of Police (UPD)
- Director of Resident Life
- Title IX Compliance Coordinator
- Once the statistics have been received, they are then compared with any University Police Department (UPD) reports to ensure they are not counted twice. All UPD reports are read through to ensure that the reports that should be included in Clery statistics are accounted for and documented. Reports from UPD that are Clery reportable are printed and if there is a Maxient correlating report, they are also printed and stapled together. The Maxient number is written on the UPD report and UPD’s case number is written on the Maxient report.
- Statistics received from the departments are also compared with the Maxient reporting system. This ensures there are not any duplicates being counted for offenses received from the various areas.
- The Maxient system is also referred to by having all reported Clery offenses retrieved. In order to ensure all incidents are documented, all Maxient reports which have categories assigned to them that fit Clery reportable incidents, are read through. Once this is done, they are then compared against reports and statistics received from all departments to make sure that none have been missed
- For reports in which there are no duplicates they are also printed and the number of statistics are identified. Per Clery: Referred for disciplinary action is defined as the referral of any person to any official who initiates a disciplinary action of which a record is established and which may result in the imposition of a sanction.
- Once all reports have been printed, from there they are added to the Clery spreadsheet.
The Clery 2016 handbook is utilized for identifying Clery reportable offenses and
definitions. The spreadsheet contains all of the Clery offenses which fits the definitions
- Criminal Offenses
- Criminal Homicide, including
- Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter, and
- Manslaughter by Negligence;
- Sexual Assault, including
- Rape
- Fondling
- Incest and
- Statutory Rape;
- Robbery;
- Aggravated Assault;
- Burglary;
- Motor Vehicle Theft; and
- Arson
- Criminal Homicide, including
- Criminal Offenses
- Hate Crimes
- Any of the above-mentioned offenses, and any incidents of
- Larceny
- Theft
- Simple Assault,
- Intimidation,
- or Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property that were motivated by bias;
- Any of the above-mentioned offenses, and any incidents of
- VAWA Offenses
- Any incidents of Domestic Violence
- Dating Violence
- Stalking. (Note that Sexual Assault is also a VAWA Offense but is included in the Criminal Offenses category for Clery Act reporting purposes); and
- Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action for
- Weapons
- Carrying, Possessing, Etc. Law Violations
- Weapons
- Drug Abuse Violations and
- Liquor Law Violations
- Per Clery: Referred for disciplinary action is defined as the referral of any person to any official who initiates a disciplinary action of which a record is established and which may result in the imposition of a sanction.
- The statistics that meet the Clery offenses by definition and within Clery geography are then added them on to the spreadsheet.
- A double check is performed by going back through a second time and make sure that everything has been accounted for with UPD, Maxient and stats from the departments.
- All UPD reports have an additional note placed on the report which states, “This incident has been reviewed and should be counted as (offense listed & count) for the Clery stats for (year indicated) at the (campus location).”
- In addition reports are documented and located on UPD’s electronic daily crime log.
- All incidents (received from multiple departments) which are Clery reportable are printed, filed and placed on the electronic Clery spreadsheet to be retained for seven years.
The Clery Committee Chair and Assistant Committee Chair approve the collection, counting and classification of statistics quarterly, and the entire committee approves them annually.
Programs for Campus Security and Safety
Program Title | Program Type | Coordinating Entity | Frequency |
Residence Hall Socials | Personal Safety / Security Awareness | Residence Life | Annually |
Residence Assistants (Ras) Resident Programming | Safety, Security, Healthy Relationships, Alcohol & Drug Awareness | Residence Life | Each Semester |
“Did You Know” Information Tables | Personal Safety (Stalking, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Title IX, etc.) | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Ongoing |
Alcohol & Drug Task Force Meetings | Alcohol and Drug Awareness | Alcohol & Drug Education Task Force | Ongoing |
Event Information Tables | Personal Safety | Alcohol & Drug Education Task Force | Each Semester |
Drunk Goggles Event | Personal Safety | Residence Life | Each Semester |
Incoming Student Vector Solutions Training on AlcoholEdu | Alcohol and Drug Awareness | The Office of the Dean of Students / Alcohol and Drug Education Task Force | Ongoing |
Alternative Justice for Alcohol and Marijuana | Alcohol and Drug Awareness | Office of the Dean of Students | Ongoing |
Sexual Assault Task Force Meetings | Sexual Assault Awareness | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Ongoing |
“Did You Know” Information Tables | Personal Safety (Stalking, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Title IX, etc.) | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Ongoing |
Bystander Intervention | Personal Safety | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Ongoing/Each Semester |
Safe Spring Break | Sexual Assault Awareness Alcohol & Drug Awareness | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Annually |
Speak Up Speak Out | Sexual Assault Awareness | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Annually |
RAINN Day | Sexual Assault Awareness | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Annually |
Event Information Tables | Awareness & Personal Safety | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Ongoing/Each Semester |
Perspectives Courses | Bystander Intervention and Stalking (Personal Safety) | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Ongoing/Each Semester |
Classroom Presentations | Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Awareness | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Ongoing |
Resident Assistant Training | Bystander Intervention, (Personal Safety) | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force and CSU Police | Annually |
Incoming Student Vector Solutions Training on Sexual Assault Prevention and AlcoholEdu | Sexual Assault Prevention and AlcoholEdu Training (Awareness and Personal Safety) | The Office of the Dean of Students / Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force | Ongoing |
NCAA Title IX Training | Bystander Intervention /Sexual Assault/ Domestic & Dating Violence Awareness/ Stalking/Reporting/ Consent | Title IX Coordinator/Sexual Assault and Education Task Force | Annually |
Greek New Member Summit | Bystander Intervention | Greek Fraternity and Sorority Life / SAVE Task Force | Each Semester |
Faculty/Staff Title IX Training | Bystander Intervention/ Sexual Assault Awareness /Domestic & Dating Violence Awareness/ Stalking / Reporting / Consent | Sexual Assault and Violence Education Task Force / Title IX Coordinator | Annually |
SGA Safety Walk | Personal Safety | University Police | Annually |
Campus-wide Panel Discussion for Emergency Response to Threats | Personal Safety | University Police | Annually |
Meet the Cops | Alcohol and Drug Awareness/Personal Safety | University Police | Annually |
Run, Hide, Fight Program | Personal Safety | University Police | Ongoing |