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Office of Financial Aid


Complete the 2024-25 FAFSA today!

The FAFSA is your key to unlocking federal student aid funding, which includes the Hope Scholarship, Pell Grants and student loans.

Recent legislative changes make it easier to complete and to qualify for federal aid. This includes expanding your eligibility for Pell Grants, which you don’t have to repay.

Know before you complete your FAFSA

  • Each student or contributor must create an account and have their own FSA-ID.
  • If you were claimed by someone on their 2022 income tax returns, you may require a parent contributor to provide information for your FAFSA application.
  • If you were married during the 2022 tax year, you may require a spouse contributor to provide information for your FAFSA application.

After you submit your FAFSA

  • A confirmation page or email with Student Aid Index (SAI) information means you have successfully completed the application process.
  • An “In Review” or “In Progress” message means that other steps are required by the Department of Education or your contributor(s) before aid can be awarded.
  • Columbus State will begin receiving FAFSA data and offering financial aid packages in late March or early April.
  • If by early April your application is still under review or in progress, or you have not received a financial aid offer, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid

The videos below can help you complete the FAFSA and understand how the financial aid process works.

(for tax-dependent students)

(for independent or married students)

Ask Cody

Ask Cody