Poster Presentations: Description and Guidelines
Poster sessions consist of a collection of student projects presented concurrently in a room with projects in the same discipline. Students present their work on tri-boards or large posters and spend an hour talking to small groups who circulate throughout the room. This is a great way for students to interact personally with their audience and ideal for those who are hesitant to talk in front of a larger group.
Poster Examples
Summra Akalework & Kathleen Rhinebolt
Mentors: Guihong Fan & Kristin Seamon Lilly
Comp Sci - Cybersecurity
Jenna Blanchard, James Robbins, Megan Lozier & Hayley Walker
Mentor: Emily Taylor
Sophia G. Brown
Mentor: Masako R. Okura
Sophia G. Brown
Mentors: Sarah Bowman & Martin Ruehl History
Stephanie D. Clarke
Mentor: Diana K. Riser
Madison M. Coleman, Cassi Caughey, William Whisnant & Ladonna Jenkins
Mentor: Stacey S. Blersch
Earth and Space Science
Posters may be created from tri-boards or large format posters printed by the Copy Center/ CSU Printing Services located on the first floor of Davidson. Large format poster printing is completed at a nominal cost, which is often funded by academic departments. Upon acceptance to Tower Day, students intending to use this resource should bring their posters saved on a Thumb Drive or otherwise electronically to the Copy Center. Printing Services asks that the File be saved in the Dimensions that it is to be printed on. They can also mount the large poster to a board, but this will take longer. For Tower Day, the physical poster may not exceed a five foot width. A recommended size is four feet in width and three feet in height; however, standard sizes may vary by discipline. Consult with your mentor on this.